Senkrecht - Waagrecht

Pass:Senkrecht - Waagrecht
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Website Peter Liechti

Retrospektive Stadtkino Basel 1.-31. Mai 2006

ISAN: 0000-0003-AD0B-0000-2-0000-0000-V

Senkrecht - Waagrecht
CH 1985 7'

Réalisation: Peter Liechti
Image: Peter Liechti
Montage: Peter Liechti
Musique:: Norbert Möslang, Andy Guhl
Avec: Roman Signer

Peter Liechti 1985 7'

The sequences of movement and the plots in Roman Signer’s action sculptures can be viewed as sculptures of space and time. The directions of movement in these documents proceed in a markedly contrasting fashion. Hence, the film is called: “Vertical/Horizontal”. This contrast is underscored by the settings: winter/ice/water/summer/clouds/air. A “commentary” to the story is provided with the abstract signs of sign language and, in particular, with music by Möslang/Guhl.

In their sequence of movements and events, Roman Signer’s actions are conceived as space/time sculptures. In keeping with the opposing directions taken in these documents, the film is simply called Senkrecht/Waagrecht (Vertical/Horizontal). This oppositional tendency is underlined by the locations: winter/ice/water/summer/clouds/air. The “commentary” to the story is provided by the abstract signs of the sign-language used by the hearing impaired and above all by the music of Möslang/Guhl.