Weniger isch meh - Housi Wittlin, Musiker und Poet

Pass:Weniger isch meh - Housi Wittlin, Musiker und Poet
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Weniger isch meh - Housi Wittlin, Musiker und Poet
CH 2018 90'

Director: Hugo Sigrist
Camera: Markus Baumann
Sound: Hugo Sigrist
Editing:: Hugo Sigrist
Production:: Büro für visuelle Medien, Hugo Sigrist, Markus Baumann

Hugo Sigrist 2018 90'

Housi Wittlin made his first steps as a 17-year-old street musician with Beatles, Stones and Elvis songs. At the end of the 1960s, he played guitar with the Black Lions and the Lives.
That's when I met Housi Wittlins.

In 1991 I decided to make a film about Housi Wittlin. Markus Baumann was a mainstay in this film project as cameraman.
Between 1991 and 1996 I shot the footage for this film.
In 1996 I stopped the project. I had the feeling that I wasn't getting anywhere on a personal level. And simply recording more concerts no longer made sense to me.

20 years later I digitised all the video footage and it took me another two years to vision the 28 hours of video footage in January 2018.
I discovered that there was much more to this visual and audio material than I had once thought.

Also a lot of personal stuff, thank you Housi!

Hugo Sigrist, 07.09.2018