Walter Pfeiffer – Chasing Beauty

Pass:Walter Pfeiffer - Chasing Beauty
720p,540p Schweizerdeutsch ST English,Français

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ISAN: 0000-0004-7E57-0000-W-0000-0000-F

Walter Pfeiffer – Chasing Beauty
CH 2017 89'

Director: Iwan Schumacher
Script: Iwan Schumacher, Martin Jaeggi
Camera: Pio Corradi, Iwan Schumacher
Sound: Dieter Meyer, Jürg von Allmen
Editing:: Anja Bombelli
Music:: Victor Moser, Fabian Gisler
Production:: Schumacher & Frey GmbH

Iwan Schumacher 2017 89'

At an age when others might look for a quieter life, Walter Pfeiffer had burst onto the international scene as an artist and fashion photographer - which is a joy to see. Alongside those who accompanied Pfeiffer through this journey, we also hear from his former models. We discover what they gained from agreeing to be photographed. And as he only photographed the young, we catch glimpses of youth culture over four decades.