Von heute auf morgen
Von heute auf morgen
CH 2013 95'
Director: Frank Matter
Script: Frank Matter
Camera: Steff Bossert
Sound: Olivier JeanRichard, Pascal Kreis, Pedro Haldemann, Peter Von Siebenthal
Editing:: Anja Bombelli
Music:: Victor Moser
Production:: Soap Factory GmbH, Frank Matter
Pass:Von Heute auf Morgen (CH)
1080p,720p,540p Schweizerdeutsch ST Deutsch
Pass:Von Heute auf Morgen (E)
1080p,720p,540p Schweizerdeutsch ST English
Pass:Von Heute auf Morgen (D)
1080p,720p,540p Schweizerdeutsch ST Deutsch
The film accompanies four elderly people through their everyday lives, observing how they cope with a gradual loss of autonomy. Even as they become increasingly dependent on outside help they insist on staying at home. But it seems inevitable that sooner or later they will have to move to a nursing home. In the meantime, their most important contacts to the outside world are the employees of the Visiting Nurse Service. But it’s not always easy for the nurses to reconcile their human feelings of compassion with the professional, economic and bureaucratic demands of their job.