Unser Jude

Pass:Unser Jude
720p,540p Schweizerdeutsch ST -

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Unser Jude
CH 2000 25'

Director: Dani Wildmann
Camera: Othmar Schmid
Production:: Werner Swiss Schweizer, Dschoint Ventschr

Dani Wildmann 2000 25'

In 1995, a book appears out of the blue and travels the world: Binjamin Wilkomirski's autobiography Bruchstücke (‚Fragments'). In 1998, Daniel Ganzfried unveils the truth: Wilkomirski's identity is false. The author's real name is Bruno Dösseker. However, some questions remain unanswered: why was Dösseker's book so successful? What was the huge attraction of his story? Success and scandal: the film is searching for clues between those two positions.