CH/RU 1992 87'
Director: Franz Reichle
Script: Franz Reichle
Camera: Peter Liechti, Franz Reichle
Sound: Franz Reichle, Florian Eidenbenz
Editing:: Loredana Cristelli, Franz Reichle
Production:: Franz Reichle, Franz Reichle, Balzli & Cie, Franziska Reck
Planned as the filmic documentation of a journey to find the last nomadic shamans in East Siberia, the film instead captures the failed search for these people, whose culture is characterised by living in harmony with nature. The well-structured film skilfully portrays the longing of overly 'civilised' people for simplicity and meaning in life. Like no other travel film on an 'exotic' subject, the theme and the interest of filmmaker and spectators reflects back toward the public: DREAMTIME places our paradoxical living situation, caught between an affluent society and archaic longings, in the centre of the filmic experience.
Robert Richter, Die Welt