Toumast - Entre Guitarre et Kalashnikov
CH 2010 88'
Director: Dominique Margot
Script: Dominique Margot
Camera: Matthias Kälin, Patrick Ghiringhelli, Dominique Margot
Sound: Laurent Barbey, Dieter Meyer, Philippe Welsh, Etienne Curchod, Denis Séchaud
Editing:: Daniel Gibel
Music:: Toumast und Tilwat
Production:: Maximage GmbH

Pass:Toumast - Entre Guitarre et Kalashnikov (D)
540p Tamasheq ST Deutsch
Pass:Toumast - Entre Guitarre et Kalashnikov (E)
540p Tamasheq ST English
Pass:Toumast - Entre Guitarre et Kalashnikov (F)
540p Tamasheq ST Français
Kalashnikovs were burned in public in Timbuktu in 1996. At that time the Flame of Peace stood as a symbol for the end of the Tuareg rebellion that was suppressed by means of bloody massacres. The rebels then put down their weapons. The government made promises and the exiled families returned from Mauretania, Algeria and Burkina Faso. Ever since, tradition and weaponry have stood in direct competition with each other in the fight for rights and for the survival of these people who have enjoyed their freedom for centuries in one of the most inhospitable regions of the world, the Sahara.