Thomas Hirschhorn - Gramsci Monument

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Duisburger Filmwoche 2015

Thomas Hirschhorn - Gramsci Monument
CH 2015 94'

Director: Angelo A. Lüdin
Script: Angelo A. Lüdin
Camera: Pio Corradi
Sound: Olivier JeanRichard, Peter Von Siebenthal
Editing:: Mirjam Krakenberger
Music:: Fidelio Lippuner
Production:: Soap Factory GmbH, Frank Matter

Angelo A. Lüdin 2015 94'

At the invitation of the renowned Dia Art Foundation, Thomas Hirschhorn is building the "Gramsci Monument" in the Forest Houses, a social housing estate in New York's South Bronx; a homage to the Italian political philosopher and communist Antonio Gramsci. The people of the neighbourhood are helping to set up and operate the art installation. For one summer, the "Gramsci Monument" will thus become both a meeting place for the quarter and a Mecca for the art world. The filmmaker accompanies this adventure and deals with the claim and reality of Hirschhorn's artistic work.