S'Margritli und d'Soldate

Pass:S'Margritli und d'Soldate
540p Schweizerdeutsch ST Deutsch

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ISAN: 0000-0004-AF1E-0000-0-0000-0000-3

August Kern 1940 101'

S'MARGRITLI UND D'SOLDATE was part of a series of military films of which the best known is FÜSILIER WIPF (1938). Margritli is a waitress working in a French-speaking Swiss village during the war. She lives through this troubled period alongside the soldiers billeted in the Fribourg village, sees a performance by Teddy Stauffer, the great Swiss jazz musician, which cheers her up on her birthday, and witnesses an airforce defence during which one of the soldiers dies in combat. The film is imbued with the patriotic assertion of what was called spiritual national defence during that period.