
Pass:S'Bloch (D)
720p,540p Schweizerdeutsch ST Deutsch
Pass:S'Bloch (F)
720p,540p Schweizerdeutsch ST Français
Pass:S'Bloch (E)
720p,540p Schweizerdeutsch ST English

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ISAN: 0000-0004-AD5C-0000-0-0000-0000-3

CH 2018 95'

Director: Thomas Rickenmann
Script: Thomas Rickenmann
Camera: Thomas Rickenmann
Sound: Thomas Rickenmann
Editing:: Thomas Rickenmann
Production:: ExtraMile Films GmbH, Thomas Rickenmann

Thomas Rickenmann 2018 95'

In the Appenzell hinterland in the heart of winter at 5 o'clock in the morning: men and boys dressed in colourful traditional clothing pull a wagon on which a long decorated tree trunk is placed: S'Bloch. In the evening, the tree trunk is auctioned in the village square. Why is it auctioned? The film goes into the background of this ancient custom of forest workers.