Rive-Neuve, la nuit

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Fondation Rive-Neuve

ISAN: 0000-0000-B19D-0000-W-0000-0000-F

Rive-Neuve, la nuit
CH 1998 60'

Director: Aline Brechbühl
Camera: Denis Jutzeler
Sound: Gilles Abravanel
Editing:: Matthias Bürcher
Production:: Cinetik

Aline Brechbühl 1998 60'


The Foundation Rive-Neuve, near the lake of Geneva in Switzerland, is a palliative care establishment, where terminally ill patients are looked after and made as comfortable as possible. When night falls, the presence of the nursing staff helps to reassure the patients. The night often brings a special and privileged time to listen and share the anguish and suffering of the patients.