Projecziuns Tibetanas

Pass:Projecziuns Tibetanas
1080p,720p,540p OV ST Deutsch

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Rotterdam 1999

Projecziuns Tibetanas
CH 1998 24'

Director: Samir
Script: Samir
Camera: Samir, Jara Uricek
Editing:: Samir, Ian Mathys
Music:: Peter Bräker
Production:: Samir, Dschoint Ventschr

Samir 1998 24'

Tibet was occupied by China in 1949, ten years later the Dalai Lama, religious and secular leader of the Tibetan people, took refuge in India. A hundredthousands of people followed their leader. Part of them, round 1500 persons, got asylum in different communes in Switzerland. So a small Tibetan community developped in Engadine, specifically in Samedan, from 1963 on.

These Tibetan projections,as soon becomes obvious, are our own idealized, preconceived notions of an alien way of life and religion. [...] Samir is familiar with this situation and can interpret it sensitively, and not only because of his own personal history. He also knows how to express it, using its own particular version of split screen techniques. [...] He carefully concentrates attention on a deep-black quadrant, focusing on one person, then extends it in virtuoso manner to the entire surface of the screen when, beyond the blurred borderlines, skilfully dosed background information appears, now as an explanation, now as no more than a distant memory.
- Neue Zürcher Zeitung