CH 2008 85'
Director: Dieter Gränicher
Script: Dieter Gränicher, Bettina Schmid
Camera: Hansueli Schenkel
Sound: Patrick Becker, Florian Eidenbenz, Dieter Meyer
Editing:: Dieter Gränicher
Production:: momenta film GmbH

Pass:Pausenlos (D)
540p Schweizerdeutsch,Deutsch ST Deutsch
Pass:Pausenlos (E)
540p Schweizerdeutsch,Deutsch ST English
Pass:Pausenlos (F)
540p Schweizerdeutsch,Deutsch ST Français
The pressure of time has us in its stranglehold. PAUSENLOS (ALWAYS ON THE GO) depicts people who cope with time in different ways. A computer specialist works unflaggingly on a number of widely assorted projects: only once back home and in her husband's arms does she manage to turn off the power switch. It takes the seclusion of a convent for a working mother to find respite from her hectic daily routine. And, after a breakdown precipitated by troubled sleep and work overload, a young clerk has a hard time getting back to her old self. The ski trainer Didier Plaschy, a former World Cup slalom champion, knows how important recuperation is for his young charges: he reflects on the effects of slowing down and speeding up. The renowned time researcher Karlheinz Geissler succinctly and wittily comments on a nonstop society, emphasizing our vital need for time off. The film entreats us to take time to catch our breath, despite the - often self-imposed - pressure to achieve and... keep going.