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Internet: öffentliche Frauenplätze

FAB Forum des Artistes Bienne (Nachfolger vom Fest der Künste)

ISAN: 0000-0000-D752-0000-9-0000-0000-A

CH 1997 21'

Director: Agnes Barmettler, Anka Schmid
Camera: Anka Schmid
Editing:: Paul Avondet
Music:: Esther Roth

The artvideo LABYRINTH-PROJECTIONS follows the complex structure of the labyrinth, which combines familiar basic signs as horizontal, vertikal, triangle, square and circle. The film researches and shows these signes in the every-day-life, in the urbal environment and in the human body. The unusual focus and the permanently changing picture-frames confuse and humorously create a new perspective of the familiar world. In this way the movie is like a walk through the labyrinth and brings an ancient human symbol back to the present.