La vanite

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Festival de Cannes 2015 - ACID
Prix du cinéma suisse 2016 - Meilleur acteur, meilleur second rôle

La vanite
CH 2016 84'

Director: Lionel Baier
Script: Lionel Baier, Julien Bouissoux
Camera: Patrick Lindenmaier
Sound: Vincent Kappeler, Raphaël Sohier, Matthieu Fichet, Bruno Reiland, Stéphane Thiébaut
Editing:: Rebecca Trösch
Production:: Bande à part Films, Agnieszka Ramu, Frédéric Mermoud
With: Patrick Lapp, Ivan Georgiev, Carmen Maura

Lionel Baier 2016 84'

David Miller wants to end his life. This elderly architect, now ill, doesn’t want to leave anything to chance, so he contacts an assisted suicide organization. However, Espe, the woman accompanying him on his quest, doesn’t seem that familiar with the procedures. Meanwhile David tries everything he can think of to convince Tréplev, the Russian prostitute in the next room, to act as witness to his final moments, as required under Swiss law. Over the course of one night, all three discover that a liking for others – perhaps even love – are curiously tenacious feelings.