La fin da la val l’è mia la fin dal mund

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Pass:La fin da la val l’è mia la fin dal mund (D)
720p,540p Italiano,Schweizerdeutsch,Deutsch ST Deutsch
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720p,540p Italiano,Schweizerdeutsch,Deutsch ST English

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ISAN: 0000-0004-660F-0000-7-0000-0000-G

La fin da la val l’è mia la fin dal mund (Das Ende des Tales ist nicht das Ende der Welt)

CH 2018 63'

Director: Peter Frei
Script: Peter Frei, Villi Hermann
Camera: Peter Frei
Sound: Peter Frei, Riccardo Studer, Martina Jacoma
Editing:: Nicolò Tettamanti
Music:: Sandro Schneebeli
Production:: Villi Hermann, Imago Film SA

Peter Frei 2018 63'

At the back of Val Rovana, Ticino, are two small villages: Campo Vallemaggia and Cimalmotto. Three hundred years ago there were a thousand people living here, today there are just fifty. The protagonists are three farmers, a local and two German-speaking Swiss, who run three different types of mountain farming, as well as a descendant of the Pedrazzini family. Thanks to them, this remote area at the end of the valley remains inhabited all year round.

I: In fondo alla Val Rovana (1400 m) vivono una cinquantina di persone. Tre famiglie contadine e un imprenditore sono i protagonisti grazie ai quali questo angolo remoto rimane popolato durante le quattro stagioni.