Jules-Aimé Péclard, distillateur de l'esprit de clocher

Pass:Jules Aimée Péclard, distillateur d'esprit de clocher
540p Français ST -

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Jules-Aimé Péclard, distillateur de l'esprit de clocher
CH 2006 11'

Director: Grégoire Mayor
Script: Grégoire Mayor
Camera: Steff Bossert
Sound: Gilles Abravanel
Editing:: David Monti, Grégoire Mayor
Music:: Julien Sulser
Production:: Climage

Jules-Aimé Péclard is a local artisan who specialises in distilling local patriotism – and his business flourishes. We join him as he searches for the ingredients he requires for concocting one of the most important products of our craft industry. He ushers us from village to village, from restaurant to restaurant, from procession to procession and ultimately allows us to be present – for the first time ever in a film – while the delicate art of distilling local patriotism is practised.