Jean Ziegler, l'optimisme de la volonté

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Jean Ziegler, l'optimisme de la volonté (Jean Ziegler, Der Optimismus des Willens)

CH 2016 90'

Director: Nicolas Wadimoff
Script: Emmanuel Gétaz, Nicolas Wadimoff
Camera: Camille Cottagnoud, Joseph Areddy
Sound: Carlos Ibañez-Diaz, Denis Séchaud
Editing:: Karine Sudan
Music:: Bill Laswell
Production:: Dreampixies, Emmanuel Gétaz
With: Jean Ziegler

Nicolas Wadimoff 2016 90'

In 1964, Jean Ziegler was asked by Che Guevara to fight the “capitalist Monster”. Former collaborator of Kofi Annan, professor and writer, Ziegler’s books still act as a manifesto to left-wing intelligentsia. At the UN Human Rights Council, he fights against “vulture funds”, a new avatar of the “Monster”. He goes back to Cuba, in his opinion the mother of all anticapitalist forces. The visit becomes a dialogue between reality and symbolism, confronting his thinking with today’s Cuban destiny. What is the future of anticapitalism? Is Ziegler amongst the winners or losers against the “Monster”?