Ina, Amer & Elvis

Pass:Ina, Amer und Elvis (CH-D)
540p Schweizerdeutsch,Deutsch,English ST Deutsch
Pass:Ina, Amer und Elvis (D)
540p Schweizerdeutsch,Deutsch,English ST Deutsch
Pass:Ina, Amer und Elvis (E)
540p Schweizerdeutsch,Deutsch,English ST English
Pass:Ina, Amer und Elvis (F)
540p Schweizerdeutsch,Deutsch,English ST Français

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Filme für eine Welt: INA, AMER & ELVIS

Filme für eine Welt: INA, AMER & ELVIS Arbeitshilfe Schulen Das Leben zwischen Kriegsruinen

Filmmusik: Mostar Sevdah Reunion

Radio DRS International zur Lage in Bosnien-Herzegowina

ISAN: 0000-0001-5754-0000-I-0000-0000-K

Ina, Amer & Elvis
CH 2005 90'

Director: Daniel von Aarburg
Script: Daniel von Aarburg
Camera: Stéphane Kuthy
Sound: Hugo Poletti
Editing:: Matthias Bürcher
Music:: Mostar Sevdah Reunion
Production:: DvA Filmproduktionen

Daniel von Aarburg 2005 90'

Ina Bakalovic, Amer Obradovic and Elvis Besic are three young Bosnians who survived the war as refugees in the middle of the Swiss alps. At the begin of the war, they had all just begun high school. Ina comes from Srebrenica , known for the greatest massacre since World War II. Amer was born in Stolac near Mostar, where Muslims suffered a Serbian and subsequently a Croatian occupation. Elvis comes from Kosarac, a region where ethnic cleansing started. Today, 10 years after the Dayton agreement , they are spread across the world. Ina went to the USA, married and became a mother. Amer returned to Sarajevo, studied history and is a talented young journalist. Elvis, who was one of the youngest prisoners in a Serbian concentration camp, married in Switzerland and tries to become a real Swiss citizen. A long time observation of three young Bosnians, whose lives were completely set up side down by the war and - in spite of it all - never lost hope.