Hotel Abyssinie

Pass:Hotel Abyssinie
540p Italiano ST Français

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ISAN: 0000-0000-E2D1-0000-E-0000-0000-W

Hotel Abyssinie
CH 1996 61'

Director: Patricia Plattner
Script: Fabienne Le Houerou
Camera: Daniel Cavillon
Sound: Michèle Cavillon
Editing:: Edwige Ochsenbein
Production:: Light Night Production SA

Patricia Plattner 1996 61'

A chronicle told by elderly Italians whose destinies were decided by the fact that they were shipped out to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) during the war of colonisation waged by Italy's fascist regime. Despite the Duce's defeat, they stayed on. Their stories, particularly that of Amedeo V, help us to understand the reasons for their strange choice of exile in this amazing African land.