Help Streaming

The film can be viewed directly in your Internet browser. You can view the film in full screen mode.
  • Macintosh: Safari, Firefox (not recommended), Chrome, Opera
  • Windows: Explorer Desktop, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera
  • Windows 8: Benutzen Sie Chrome oder Firefox (not recommended)
  • Linux: Firefox, Chromium
  • iPad/iPhone: Safari, Chrome or Artfilm Player iOS
  • Smart TV: Firefox
  • Apple TV: Artfilm Player TV

The data rate of the film is betwn 600 kbit/s and 4 Mbit/s, depending on complexity and resolution. The browser buffers several seconds, but you need a permanent Internet connection. Note that other family members might use the Internet at the same time: the son playing minecraft, the daughter skype and the oncle viewing online TV.

You can choose the resolution between 720p and 540p. Normally, you want the better resolution, but if you do not have enough bandwitdh, lower the resolution.

If you make a longer pause, you might need to reload the entire page. The streaming is copy protected and the authorization of the server might be out of date. The same can be happen if you loose bandwidth. If you cannot play after one minute of interruption, you probably lost the link and mus reload.

Error: We are sorry, but this stream is currently unavailable

If you have not started the movie after a few minutes, the streaming link is no longer valid. Refresh the page and the movie will play.

It does not work
