Hard Stop

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ISAN: 0000-0002-FA2B-0000-D-0000-0000-Z

Hard Stop
CH 2011 100'

Director: Sascha Weibel
Script: Sascha Weibel
Camera: Sascha Weibel
Sound: Patrick Storck
Art direction:: Anita Brühlmann
Costumes:: Maja Küng
Editing:: Christine Rüfenacht, Liza Gerber
Music:: Fatima Dunn
Production:: Hard Stop Film
With: Nina Langensand, Matthias Britschgi

Sascha Weibel 2011 100'

It's the month of August and hot in the city. Dante's girlfriend has abandoned him for a rich lover. Then he meets Rhea, who lives together with a wealthy man twice her age. She claims that he's not jealous and begins an erotic game with Dante, who passionately rushes headlong into the affair, no questions asked. But why is it that Rhea counts her erotic encounters precisely? And why does she document practically everything she experiences with the video on her mobile phone?