
720p,540p Russian ST Deutsch,English

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ISAN: 0000-0003-5721-0000-M-0000-0000-8

Verena Endtner 2013 96'

In the fairytale city of St. Petersburg, some ten thousand children live on the streets. The innovative circus Upsala and its director Larissa have decided to give some of those children a chance to leave all that behind them. The film takes us on a journey from the Russian slums to the big top’s lights and the joys of a tour to Switzerland, following the half-orphan Danja, who discovers the pleasure of playing and performing, the street kid Mischa, who learns the importance of being responsible and helping others, and restless Igor, who’s trying to grow up with a single mother unable to cope with her four children. They’re surrounded by the kindness of the Swiss clown Gardi Hutter, who shares her dreams with them all.