Gli sguardi non ritornano

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ISAN: 0000-0006-18A5-0000-P-0000-0000-0

Gli sguardi non ritornano
CH 2021 52'

Director: Paolo Taggi
Script: Paolo Taggi
Editing:: Valerio Casanova
Music:: Sandro Schneebeli
Production:: Vito Robbiani, MediaTREE

Paolo Taggi 2021 52'

The Val Grande is a close and impenetrable elsewhere.
Wedged between Italy and Switzerland, between Piedmont and Lombardy, from the Val Grande you can see the lights of Novara, Malpensa, Milan. But from the outside it is invisible.
It is a twin peaks that makes victims without guilt, the ideal backdrop for restless souls. As in hanging rock, there are many who have lost themselves in a forbidden secular temple that protects man from nature and nature from man.
A violent undertow has dragged with it those who have tried to resist by climbing higher and higher, respecting the religion of toil.
The Val Grande has its legends and true stories that surpass them.
Ours is a journey along interrupted paths, uncertain signs, calls, voices. It is the chronicle by emotions of a journey. Respecting the rules that nature has imposed in the most fascinating wilderness area in Europe.
Can one penetrate the mystery without unravelling it?