Four In Time
Four In Time
CH 1997 53'
CH 1997 53'
Director: Theo Stich
Script: Theo Stich
Camera: Patrick Lindenmaier, Thomas Albrecht, Pio Corradi, Pierre Mennel, Andreas Schneuwly
Sound: Martin Pearson, Dieter Meyer, Jürg von Allmen
Editing:: Rosmarie Schaub
Music:: Pierre Favre, Daniel Humair, Fredy Studer, Fritz Hauser
Production:: Filmkollektiv Zürich, Urs Graf

Upon the filmmaker's initiative on the 6th of January 1997 four Swiss drummers, Pierre Favre, Fritz Hauser, Daniel Humair and Fredy Studer got together in Zurich to rehearse for a period of four days. The film focuses on the coming together of four very different personalities, an artistic dialogue that reaches the height of its “crescendo” at the time of their concert.