En voyage avec Jean Mohr

Pass:En voyage avec Jean Mohr
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Imago Film

Fondo fotografico Jean Mohr


ISAN: 0000-0000-D88E-0000-D-0000-0000-Z

Locarno 1993

En voyage avec Jean Mohr
CH 1992 88'

Director: Villi Hermann
Script: Villi Hermann
Camera: Hugues Ryffel
Sound: Villi Hermann
Editing:: Kathrin Plüss
Music:: Orchestre de la Suisse Romande
Production:: Villi Hermann, Imago Film SA

Villi Hermann 1992 88'

We follow Jean Mohr, a photographer from Geneva, on three of his trips to Pakistan, Japan and Russia. We work with a handed-held camera, close to the photographer, but discreetly, so as not to scare off the "civilised animal" who is Jean Mohr. There is no commentary; but there is music and also silence during which we see the photographer at work, when he is trying to find harmony with the subject in his lens. Then we find ourselves with the artist in a place to chat and to put some thought into perspective.