Ecuador - Wälder der Hoffnung

Pass:Ecuador - Wälder der Hoffnung (D)
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ISAN: 0000-0000-CE49-0000-N-0000-0000-5

Ecuador - Wälder der Hoffnung
CH 2005 43'

Director: Iris Disse, David Höner
Script: Iris Disse, David Höner
Camera: Iris Disse
Sound: David Höner
Editing:: Caterina Mona, Michael Hertig
Production:: Dschoint Ventschr Filmproduktion AG

Iris Disse, David Höner 2005 43'

The Yasuni Indians in Ecuador were first discovered by American missionaries in the sixties, followed by American oil companies who found resources in the primeval forest. Suddenly river pollution posed a serious threat to the many-centuries-old and intact world of the Yasuni. With clever types of resistance, and international support from science and development assistance organisations the indigenous people developed visions which offered a basis for a material existence without destroying the forest.