Deux jours avec mon père

Pass:Deux jours avec mon père
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ISAN: 0000-0003-CB89-0000-B-0000-0000-4

Anne Gonthier 2014 80'

Michel, a 40-year-old engineer, is stressed out. He dashes from meeting to meeting, consumed by a life that he’s forgotten to savor. But when his father Robert, refusing to die in hospital, escapes by the balcony and runs away into the mountains, Michel is forced to run after him. That escape and pursuit trigger a tale of discovery and wonder between father and son, which unravels way up in the solitude of a lunar landscape of limestone, water and sky. Michel, suddenly released from the rat race, rediscovers in a dramatic slow-down the joy of seeing, listening, feeling, dreaming, of quite simply being. Of still being alive. In the presence of Robert, Michel gains new insights into his life and new strength through the exposure to the air, the clouds, the wood, and the morning cup of coffee. He also learns to love – in extremis.

"It is because everything must end that everything is so beautiful. Strive only to be always amazed". C. F. Ramuz