CH 2009 90'
Director: Raymond Vouillamoz
Script: Stéphane Mitchell
Camera: Denis Jutzeler
Sound: Christophe Giovannoni, Pascale Schaer, Denis Séchaud
Editing:: Christine Hoffet
Music:: Pierre Audétat
Production:: Rita Productions, Pauline Gygax, Max Karli
With: Irène Jacob, Adèle Haenel, Paolina Biguine, Yvette Théraulaz, Jacques Michel, Séverine Bujard, Gaël Kamilindi, Simon Guelat, Pierre Maulini

Nineteen-year-old Lucie discovers that her grandmother was a notorious, militant feminist in Geneva during the 1970s before being suddenly erased from the family history. Lucie sets out on a search for her. When the two finally meet face to face, the heavy secret that has put such a strain on the women of her family for three generations bursts into the open and forces the young woman to take a stand on her own feminist commitment and its consequences for her love life and on her unwelcome pregnancy.