Blue my Mind

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ISAN: 0000-0004-57A6-0000-A-0000-0000-7

San Sebastián 2017
Zurich Film Festival 2017 - Golden Eye
Schweizer Filmpreis 2018 - bester Spielfilm, bestes Drehbuch, beste Darstellerin

Blue my Mind
CH 2017 97'

Director: Lisa Brühlmann
Script: Lisa Brühlmann, Dominik Locher
Camera: Gabriel Lobos
Sound: Patrick Storck, Manu Gerber, Gina Keller
Art direction:: Marlen Grassinger
Costumes:: Laura Locher
Editing:: Noemi Preiswerk
Music:: Thomas Kuratli
Production:: tellfilm GmbH, Stefan Jäger, Katrin Renz
With: Luna Wedler, Zoë Pastelle Holthuizen, Regula Grauwiler, Georg Scharegg

Lisa Brühlmann 2017 97'

15-year-old Mia faces an overwhelming transformation which puts her entire existence into question. Her body is changing radically, and despite desperate attempts to halt the process, she is soon forced to accept that nature is far more powerful than her.