Bach rencontre Buxtehude
CH 2010 62'
Director: Daniel Künzi
Script: Daniel Künzi
Editing:: Ingrida Ignatjevaite
Music:: Francesco Tristano Schlimé
Production:: Société Productions Maison
With: Marthe Keller

Pass:Bach rencontre Buxtehude (D)
540p Français ST Deutsch
Pass:Bach rencontre Buxtehude (E)
540p Français ST English
Pass:Bach rencontre Buxtehude (F)
540p Français ST -
At the age of 20, in 1705, Jean Sébastien Bach travelledto study with Dietrich Buxtehude, the greatest German musicianof the day, to complete his training.
He left Arnstadt to travel to Lübeck, a journey of more than400km, which he made on foot. He had only asked for a leave ofone month from his church.
He would be absent four months. Upon his return, the parishionersno longer recognised him. He was reproached for playingtoo long, and above all for disturbing the audience with strangemodulations. Dietrich Buxtehude's influence on Jean SébastienBach, the greatest musician of all time, had been decisive.