A Home Far Away
A Home Far Away
CH 2012 100'
CH 2012 100'
Director: Peter Entell
Script: Peter Entell
Camera: Peter Entell, Jón Björgvinsson
Sound: Blaise Gabioud, Denis Séchaud
Editing:: Peter Entell, Elizabeth Waelchli, Laurence Périgaud
Production:: Show and Tell Films

Peter Entell 2012 100'
Pass:A Home Far Away
540p English ST Français
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Pass:A Home Far Away
540p English ST Français
We cannot show this movie in your country. (USA)
Lois is an actress in Broadway theatre, television and Hollywood films. Her husband, Edgar Snow, is world famous. A pioneer impassioned by China, he is the first journalist to film and interview Mao Tse-tung. Suspected by the American authorities of Communist sympathies, Edgar and Lois are blacklisted. Together with their two small children, they come to Switzerland, mid-way between China and America, in search of a new home. A story of revolution, utopia, disillusionment, and hope.