(It Was) Just A Job
Solothurner filmtage 1997
Sao Paolo 1996
Namur 1996
Locarno 1996
(It Was) Just A Job
CH 1992 5'
Sao Paolo 1996
Namur 1996
Locarno 1996
(It Was) Just A Job
CH 1992 5'
Director: Samir
Script: Samir
Camera: Samir
Sound: Sabine Boss
Editing:: Ronnie Wahli
Production:: Dschoint Ventschr Filmproduktion AG
Samirs personal view of the Gulf War in a video sequence.
Layered video montage with Samir's personal view of the Gulf War. Alongside the familiar news footage he uses home-movie shots of his relatives in Bagdad and calligraphed Iraqi words. By juxtaposing personal pictures with media images Samir convincingly shows that a war is more than the work of a general.